By Pastor Paschal Opara

The Importance of Vision
The importance of vision cannot be overstated. The Bible says that “where there is no vision the people perish or cast off restraint”. We have need of clear visions to run the race set before us. Vision is what keeps us on track.

God is a God of purpose and does everything on purpose, for purpose and by purpose.

The Overcomers Faith Centre is therefore in the same vein not here by happenstance, coincidence, mistake or chance. We are here on purpose, for purpose and by purpose. Purpose and vision can often be used synonymously.

You are also not in this Church by chance or reading this manual just as a coincidence. No, no, no! Destiny is calling you. You have been destined for this local assembly just as this local assembly is destined for you!

Apple Trees in The Desert
Apple trees do not grow in the desert because the climatic conditions are not conducive for the growing of apple trees. So also have we found that Christians will only really grow when they find the local assembly that they have been destined for and that has been destined for them? That is why there are so many different local assemblies to fit so many different people types.

Some of you, right from the first time you came in contact with Overcomers Faith Centre, just knew it was your Church. Your destiny is tied with this particular local assembly. You know you will not grow effectively anywhere else. Some will even try to leave only to find that there is just no place like home because this is your home.

Your Allocation Is In Your Location
You should not mess around with where God has shown you as your spiritual location because ultimately that is where your allocation/blessing is.

Psalm 1:3 says “And he shall be planted by the rivers of the water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” To get the blessing of God you must be planted, not moving all over the place. You cannot afford to be moved. Do not let anything move you away form your location of allotment/blessing. You see when God blesses He sends the blessing to the location that He has planted you.

You need to get busy within the Local Assembly. God is saying that as soon as I show you your place of “Divine Location” get involved with working and fulfilling, the corporate vision is intrinsically tied to it!

Your Individual Vision and the Corporate Vision
You have to be part of the corporate vision to see the fulfilment of your individual vision. God always works this way. Every God given vision is ultimately targeted to bring an increase to the Kingdom of God and not for selfish motives. This is where God given vision is different from ambition. Ambition is about self where vision is about the kingdom.

It is when you tie yourself to the God given vision of a set man that God moves to see the fulfilment of your own individual’s vision. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. Remember Luke 16:12 says “And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s who will give you what is your own?”

To step into the abundance of God’s overflowing blessings you have to treat working in Church as if you are working on your own personal business. Serving in the Church is truly Kingdom business.

Revisiting the Vision
Until you understand the vision of the local assembly that you are planted in you will still be limited in your effectiveness no matter how zealous you are.

You need to find out what your set man has been called to do, so you can effectively line up to assist him in his God-given mandate,

The assignment of every member and worker of this Church is to help fulfil the corporate vision of Overcomers Faith Centre in general and that of its members in particular. Definitely the latter compliments the former.

There can only be one vision and one visionary in a particular Church/Divine location. If more that One Vision exists then “Di-Vision” is inevitable.

We therefore as workers in this local assembly need to begin to appreciate that our primary role is to assist, aid and support the fulfilment of the corporate vision as placed on the heart of the Setman/Pastor.

Defining the Vision
Vision in our context can simply be defined as God’s plan for His people whether as a body or as individuals. A vision is a snapshot of the future as God intends it to be.

Everyone is born by God to fulfil a particular course. The discovery of that course is called a vision. God has a specific purpose and vision for specific local assemblies.

The Vision of the House
Overcomers Faith Centre is largely sent to a needy hurting and dying generation. It is sent to the broken, discouraged, forgotten, hopeless and helpless…in society. It is a Church that is ‘very big’ on motivation and encouragement.

Overcomers Faith Centre is a Church targeted at helping and aiding people to fulfil their God-given destinies.

Overcomers Faith Centre rests strongly on three things

  • Powerful delivery of the Word of God
  • Prayer based ministry
  • A fresh and genuine Worship experience

Overcomers Faith Centre achieves all this through a vehicle of excellent ministry. Excellence is a major hallmark in Overcomers Faith Centre.

Overcomers Faith Centre is a Church that seeks to be largely relevant to our society and community. Relevant ministry is impactful ministry. We believe strongly that a Church should not only grow inward but also grow outward to positively affect and impact her society and world.

Overcomers Faith Centre is a multi-faceted ministry! We do so much to achieve the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. At the centre of our effective ministry plan is the smooth running of a cell system that helps a big Church to touch individuals. Our cell system is called CITH – Church in the Home.